

I dunno who’d be interested enough to view this page — or heck, even this website — but whatever. You’re here.

If you’d like to learn more about me, see my home page or visit some of my links there. If you want to learn more about this website itself, read on.

What goes here?

This website is a lovely place where I might put random thoughts, random works, yapping, stuff I want to share as a link, or streams of consciousness that lead to impulsive writing and publishing.

How did you make it?

I wrote this website in HTML and CSS and the content is written in markdown before everything is generated into a static site with Hugo.

The contents and the design of this website are written entirely by me.

Why make a website?

That’s actually a very interesting question that will lead to a lot of yapping and waxing poetic, so it has its own dedicated post!

What are the aims of this website?

This website is for housing and hosting and publishing whatever I want to put in it. However, I did set myself some goals as to what I want the site to be like. The main things I want to achieve with this website are:

The source code of this website is available on its GitHub page. If you’d like to view the older source of my website or take some inspiration or code snippets, feel free to do so!

Some final words

That’s essentially all I can tell you about myself and this website without going off on a tangent. If you would like to go down those tangents, view my posts!

The last commit on this file was c055c67. You can also see the previous versions of this page by clicking on that link.