
Anotherrr archive

I used to have this website called anotherrr.web.app. Why are there so many ‘r’s, you ask? Because I thought calling it “another web app” would be quite funny, but that was taken. So I called it “another random read”… “anotherrr” for short.

The last time I touched it was in 2022. Imagine! But the time I actually used it was back when I was 14 (2021). I loved this website. Please be warned though: some of the views by younger me are no longer shared by my present self. There might also be some misinformation, as I wasn’t much of a fact-checker. Don’t cancel me pls..

It was made using a Static Site Generator… made by me, in Python. Yes, I tried to reinvent the wheel. That resulted in spaghetti code.

For some reason, all my posts disappeared from the actual website now. You’ll still be able to get a glimpse of the site in its former glory from the internet archive… I’m scrolling through it right now and I can’t help but think: I really put in so much effort in there, huh?

However, going through the Internet Archive isn’t the most reliable nor the fastest. So I decided to put all these old posts right here, in their new home. It doesn’t have all the old fancy CSS, but the content is copy-pasted straight from 2021. Enjoy!

NOTE: these posts may contain several images and syntax-highlighted code snippets, so they’re definitely a little heavier than my usual posts here.

How to post on Instagram using PC

(this doesn’t use any extensions nor the Instagram API) go to Instagram right click > Inspect element click on the phone symbol 📱 on the upper-right to toggle the toolbar on the upper-left, you will see a button called Responsive 🔽 choose a phone brand (eg.

· #socialMedia, #tutorial

About this website

Yeah, well, most 14 year olds don’t make their own personal websites (that aren’t for school of course)… but I do (I do…), and it’s for random purposes. It’s a long story, really.

· #anotherrrMeta, #dev